Friday, February 1, 2008

Maynard, Have you seen this?!?

Oh, Maynard, the fire of your loins has finally flipped her lid. Voting for Hillary?!
Has right become left, has up become down, has in become out? The world no longer makes sense! But, if Ann Coulter says so, well, I may just vote Hil too!


Ann T Quittys thoughts said...

Have I gone to Bizzaro world????? What what what??????

MegatonMaynard said...

Wow...I'm speechless. Suddenly Ann Coulter seemed almost dangerously sexy for like....a half second. Then I remember that she has a pelvic growth larger than mine

Denise (aka Trixie) said...

I didn't think ANYONE could have a pelvic growth larger than yours.