Monday, September 17, 2007

An open letter to Kanye West

I will be the first to admit, I don't get into a lot of rap. I know what I like - I have various tastes in music. It took a while, but I became a fan of Eminem, I've ignored his misogynistic lyrics and taken them as they should be - a bit of advice. Ha ha. I've always liked Will Smith - he raps happy! I'll be the first to admit I'm white as they come, I have very little rhythm, and grew up with Elvis for God's sake. You even had me with Golddigger- that beat got into my head, your lyrics made me giggle; I was intrigued.

But I for the life of me cannot understand why you have a career.
Your questionable talent notwithstanding, you have to be the biggest douchebag in an industry where there is many.

And all political commentary aside, the whole "George Bush doesn't care about black people" thing...come on. Give me a freakin break. You're not helping your cause dude. We understand your frustration in something that was handled extremely badly, to say the least, but come up with half of an intelligent comment and you might be taken seriously.

And your crybaby whining over your losses at the VMA's. Good Lord. Who has been kissing your ass so much in the last few years to make you believe your talent is so incredible? I am so sick of turning on the tv and seeing your mongoloid mug. And now you're saying that MTV is trying to keep the black man down? Have you even watched MTV in the last 20 years?

What is it with you "artists" that make you think we want to listen to anything you say beyond your albums? (I'm not just talking about you here, try and deal with that, Ego.) Sheryl Crow, Jon Bon Jovi, Sting, Madonna...the list goes on. When the hell did you become political authorities? I don't care what you think, honestly. I can form my own opinions-really! You making an occasional enjoyable song does not mean you can tell my how to vote, or how much toilet paper to use. Duh. All of you need to get over your own self importance, and shut the hell up and sing. Or dance, or act, or direct, (except you Michael Moore, because I just remembered you're an even bigger douche than Kanye!) Leave the politics to the crooks who get paid for it.

Your friend,

1 comment:

Andy Donaldson said...

Dang baby! You're on fire!